WOULDN’T it be great to be able to lower your boat’s fuel consumption, improve visibility and get a better weight balance. With Bennett Trim Tabs you can. Bay City Marine dealer principal Scott Cleaver said boaties may not be familiar with trim tabs.

“But you’ve probably experienced the problems that trim tabs solve for boaties all over the world,” he added.

Bay City Marine can professionally install trim tabs to improve the ride of your vessel. Maintaining plane at a lower RPM is where the boat starts to achieve its maximum efficiency.

Trim tabs provide the additional lift so that the throttle can be decreased without losing plane, adding both fuel economy and range. “Some boaties have experienced

as much as a 30% fuel efficiency gain,” he said. Bennett Trim Tabs reposition the boat’s bow to cut through the water.

This gives boaties several advantages including better fuel economy and a more comfortable ride. Mr Cleaver said the tabs could be adjusted. “As a boater you know that no two boating days are ever alike thanks to ever-changing weight, weather and water conditions,” he said.

“Bennett Trim Tabs are designed to adjust for these changing conditions and provide

lift to give you the best possible running attitude. “They give you more control than you’ve ever had.”